Thursday, July 23, 2009

Violent Partners: A Breakthrough Plan for Ending the Cycle of Abuse Review

I have been working in the field of domestic abuse for over 15 years.
I am impassioned by the work that I do.
I agree with Dr. Mills that violence is transmitted through generations. I have always been frustrated by the fact that as soon as my colleagues , therapists that I respect, hear that there is violence in a family, they immediately resort to
a . Not wanting to work with the couple together and
b. Encouraging the couple to get divorced, when in fact most couples do not want to separate and
c. The therapist will allign with the female (victim?)before even investigating the dynamics of what is really going on with this family.

Linda Mills' book Violent Partners brings all of the issues that I have been struggling with to the forefront. I, also, thoroughly appreciated the fact that we heard Dr. Mills' voice in retelling her own personal story. My hope is that through Violent Partners we learn to give every member of a family involved in violence a voice to be heard.

I salute Linda for the courage to come forward to say the things that most of us in the field know to be the truth but are afraid to verbalize.
I believe this book gives hope to families that are in violent relationships, and lets them know they are not alone. We understand why they might stay and we can work with them to bring their relationship to a safe place where they can stay together.

Buy it here now!