Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Posted by Alfred at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska Review
The author of this book is John DeCamp. He used to be a senator here in Nebraska. I was 13 or 14 when this scandal was going on. I was close friends with one of the witness-victims' brothers'. I was too young at the time to really understand what really happened. I can tell you this...this situation was covered up not only from the Omaha Police Department but the Nebraska FBI and all the way up the ladder to the Regan/Bush years. There are many wealthy and well known people in Omaha and the majority of them were involved in this scandal. It sickens me that the victims of this scandal were either threatened by the FBI and recanted their statements excepts for 2 of them. And these 2 victims were charged with multiple counts of perjury and were sent to prison. I hope that in the close, near future someone will reopen this case and charge these wealthy individuals who didn't even get a slap on the wrist once and for all.
This book is by far one of the biggest scandals to have ever happened in the United States.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
100 Interactive Activities for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Review
I originally bought this book to use with adult substance abuse groups, but I have found it useful in every position I've held. This book is full of great activities that can be adapted for different age groups. While a lot of the substance abuse material is more appropriate for adults, each activity gives a target age group and many of them have a different version for teens. I have a lot of group workbooks, but this is the one I find myself reaching for most often - when my coworkers haven't borrowed it! I would highly recommend this book to anyone who needs group activities for a variety of issues.
On a practical note, the spiral binding makes it SO easy to make copies of the worksheets. I don't know why all group workbooks aren't made like this.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Intimate Partner and Family Abuse: A Casebook of Gender Inclusive Therapy Review
Family violence is a complex phenomenon. It is often reciprocal between the adult partners, and sometimes initiated by the children upon their parents and each another. Males and females, and parents and children can be perpetrators or victims in varying degrees. Over the past decade, many domestic violence experts have acknowledged the usefulness of couples and family therapy as an effective way to assess and treat family violence, while still ensuring the safety and accountability of all family members.
This casebook showcases a wide variety of couples and families who have encountered violence, and the different therapeutic approaches used to treat them. The families discussed in these cases vary in their composition, geographic location, ethnic and socioeconomic status, and mental health issues. The case authors come from a wide range of fields, including social work, marriage and family therapy, psychology, and psychiatry. The approaches they use include cognitive-behavioral, family systems, feminist, problem-solving, and many others.
What all these cases do have in common is that they demonstrate the complexity of assessing family violence and disentangling its multiple underlying causes. Each account includes a thorough description of the assessment procedure, treatment goals and reasons for selecting a particular approach (with a particular consideration of client safety), and an account of the course of treatment. Each study also ends with questions for discussion, making the cases perfect for use in a graduate course.
The book is primarily intended for mental health professionals and graduate students in the fields of family therapy, counseling, and family violence; but will also be of value to anyone in the field of family violence and those concerned with domestic violence public policy, prevention, and intervention.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Therapist's Guide to Substance Abuse Intervention (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional) Review
As a graduate social work professor and psychotherapist licensed in both psychology and clinical social work, I can attest to the usefulness of this practical guide for graduate students, beginning professionals studying for licensing exams, practicing clinicians who wish to review or increase their knowledge and expertise, educators, and even program administrators seeking to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of their services. The clearly written, usefully structured format makes looking up information easy and helps clinicians develop relevant treatment plans that can be communicated effectively in multidisciplinary and managed care settings.
The great strength of the book lies in the author's ability to gather current research information and organize it in a manner which does not simplify the complexity of substance abuse and its treatment. The first of five sections reviews the social contexts of substance abuse, highlighting issues of prevention and consequences, a sobering reminder of the core importance of this topic. DSM IV diagnostic categories are described and issues of comorbidity are introduced. Substances are described in detail, with information about drugs presented in user-friendly form. The assessment section which follows includes methods of gathering essential information, prioritizing data, reviewing for crisis issues, reducing harm, and attending to special populations and legal problems. The author selects from well-researched instruments, offering pragmatic tools to the clinician. Notable here are the inclusion of effective questions to ask and not ask the troubled employee or teenager, in order to reduce defensiveness and avoid enabling the client, as well as specific guidelines for conducting interventions with the substance user. Treatment is addressed next, with emphasis on multidisciplinary communication, planning treatment in stages so as to maximize success, utilizing eclectic, effective theoretical orientations as well as self-help groups and multisystems approaches. Practical interventions that work are explored more fully in the fourth section on solution-focused therapies and special populations. Here the author elaborates on behavioral, strength-based interventions, and on the needs of groups such as disabled persons and adolescents, suggesting techniques to increase motivation and cope with inevitable slips. Especially impressive is the final chapter, focusing on skill-building and the dual diagnosis of substance abuse and mental disorders. Family and relationship problems, cultural diversity issues, the complications of HIV/AIDS, gender, and aging are presented, and the reader is offered an appealing array of self-monitoring tools, concluding with an up-to-date list of national helplines.
This is a wonderful resource manual and educational tool, which condenses scientifically based current research and clinical lore into a pragmatic format accessible to physicians, practitioners, students, and educators.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Healing from the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Journey for Women Review
The author has written an excellent book on childhood sexual abuse. The author provides excellent information on the fact that not all survivors experience the same feelings of trauma and shame. It is not victim-blaming but clearly shows that many survivors resist being labelled "victim." One of the best parts is the section on finding a suitable therapist. It is supportive and by using case studies shows that when the survivor is ready regardless of age, they can heal from their past. The author is empathetic to women survivors and provides a variety of tehchniques survivors can use on their journey to healing.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
But He Never Hit Me: The Devastating Cost of Non-Physical Abuse to Girls and Women Review
I recommended this book to my Domestic Violence Group at our meetings & even copied the index for the group & passed it out & they found it helpful & went out & got it, through, also. My counselor got it for her library, too. It has helped me, immensley.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
How Long Does It Hurt: A Guide to Recovering from Incest and Sexual Abuse for Teenagers, Their Friends, and Their Families Review
Great book, I've read a lot of books on this topic and especially ones targeted towards young adults. This is another book that I highly recommend because: it's easy to read, it practically speaks to you and you can finish it within afew hours, it's style is appealling to teenagers and young adults.
Also it's directed towards girls and boys, it's style should also interest guys to read it and benefit.
Another good book I recommend for girls is "invisible girls" by Dr. Patti Feuereisen.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment for Adolescents: Pathways to Self-Discovery and Change: The Provider's Guide Review
I'm a substance abuse counselor who recently took on a Juvenile Drug Court treatment group. I've used Milkman's Strategies book in the past with adults and was thrilled to find this book for use with adolescents. After just a few weeks of using this manual, the group members are already exhibiting considerable improvement in both knowledge and understanding of substance abuse and criminal conduct. These books are a perfect guide for working with substance abusing criminal offenders.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
Finding Sunshine After the Storm: A Workbook for Children Healing from Sexual Abuse Review
When a child has experienced sexual abuse, he or she may struggle with low self-esteem and find it difficult to trust others. Though the mental damage from such abuse is significant, it can be substantially reversed if a caring adult is willing to dedicate a few minutes each day to helping the child heal. Finding Sunshine After the Storm contains forty compassionate activities kids who have suffered abuse can do to raise their self-esteem, establish boundaries, and identify people they can trust.
These simple activities drawn from a variety of therapeutic modalities are best used in combination with counseling to help kids recover from trauma and build confidence. As children work through this book, they will learn to deal with painful feelings in positive ways, reach out for support, and feel proud of themselves by "taking a bow" after important accomplishments. This workbook can help them reclaim the pride, joy, and security they may feel as though they have lost--the sunshine after the storm.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Interviewing Children about Sexual Abuse: Controversies and Best Practice Review
We have to be prepared to fight against children sexual abuse and this is a very important book to do it.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Sexual Abuse Victim and Sexual Offender Treatment Planner (PracticePlanners?) Review
This book was received in excellent condition and in a timely manner. It is exactly what we were looking for.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace Review
I have bought the book mobbing which i found very interesting,it also explained a lot of things to me about certain co-workers destructive behavior.But other then that it did not help me a lot.I had to give my job that i loved a lot up.Will therefore not be able to collect unemployment benefits,i am loosing a good health insurance,and who knows if and when i find work again.Shame on management that are in no way willing to stop bulling at work,it's always the victim's fault.(How convenient they make it for them self's)I tried to get help and was denied of it.What is this world coming to."Work should not hurt"
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Practice Review
I wrote this book with practitioners in mind. After many unsuccessful years of looking for a text that covered the substance abuse field in a way that reflected real-world practice, I came up with this text. I provide a mix of theory and practice skills, giving readers someting to sink their teeth into, regardless of level or experience. I focused mostly on four important issues: successful client engagement based in the strengths perspective, understanding client culture, multisystemic assessment and treatment planning, and co-occurring disorders. I provide a critique of the disease model and other theories/moedls while encouraging practitioners to match treatment model/theory to the needs and experiences of clients.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Illegal Drugs: A Complete Guide to their History, Chemistry, Use, and Abuse Review
Illegal Drugs: A Complete Guide to Their History, Chemistry, Use and Abuse (Review)
Illegal Drugs: A Complete Guide to Their History, Chemistry, Use and Abuse, is an interesting book. After reading it, I learned a lot I did not previously know about certain types of drugs. Also, I learned about what to do in case of an overdose of said drugs. Overall, it was a extremely educational experience reading the book and I would absolutely recommend it to be on the list of books to read next year.
In Illegal Drugs: A Complete Guide to Their History, Chemistry, Use and Abuse the book is organized in sections describing the health effects of drugs, the drug history, chemical makeup, along with many others. The author provides a section on the physiology of the brain and its reaction to chemicals. The book also thoroughly covers drugs with one detailed chapter for every single drug type you could imagine. Each chapter also includes a history of the drug, a personality profile of the type of people who use said drug, chemical characteristics of it, the drug's withdrawal signs once use is stopped or discontinued, long-term health problems of use of the drug, and emergency care information just in case one has an overdose.
The book concludes with resources for self-help, websites that provide information about drugs, and a list of drug abuse and treatment centers spread out all over in the United States. A bibliography for each chapter is also a big help for those who want to learn more about certain drugs more than what the book has already listed.
In the book, there is a section for basically every type of drug, as well as an intro with drug history and current drug laws, and ends with the question, will drugs be used? The author then says that that is not the question we should be asking. 95% of the United States uses some form of psychoactive drug. The real question is, which will be used?
Throughout the book, the author talks about how when certain drugs are criminalized, people turn to other types of drugs. For example, in the 1930s during the prohibition of alcohol, the use of marijuana soared in the U.S. hit its highest levels. Also, when the government cracked down on the use of drugs like cocaine among teens, the use of ecstasy and other drugs rose dramatically.
The beginning of the book also describes in not a lot of detail `legalized' drugs such as caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and nutmeg among others. Schedule 1 & 2 drugs are described in the book, with the latter group being about amphetamines like speed (meth) and others. Illegal Drugs includes over 178 different drugs and descriptions of them. This includes drugs ranging from LSD to Rohypnol the date rape drug. It is very well illustrated and contains at the end, an informative as well as lengthy bibliography.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion Review
I was really looking forward to learning more about the use of propaganda, but was not expecting to purchase a book that contains so much of it.
Here are just a few examples:
1. Preface xi "...we lamented the fact that there was no White House tape recorder in use during the 1990s-so that President Reagan escaped the consequences of deceiving the American people (and the world) by subverting the Constitution through the covert sale of arms to Iran...".
This is propaganda passed off as a fact. President Reagan took responsibility that the sale of arms to Iran happened on his watch. However, he denied that he was personally involved in this action and there is no proof that he deceived the American people or that he was "subverting the Constitution".
2. Preface xiii: Context is Bill Clinton and media coverage of his "inappropriate relationship" with Monica Lewinsky. The authors state, "Much of this coverage bordered on the hysterical, with rumor chasing gossip chasing innuendo...".
This appears an attempt to minimize the seriousness of the charges against President Clinton of providing perjurious, false and misleading testimony to a grand jury and engaging in obstruction of justice through efforts to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence. Would the authors have been so concerned about the amount of media coverage if the President who lied had been a Republican?
3. p. 57-60: Context is Rush Limbaugh. I listen to talk radio and have listened to Limbaugh on and off for 15 years. The authors claim that Limbaugh, "hung up" on "an African-American caller" and told the caller to "take that bone out of your nose and call me back".
The authors charge of racism leveled against Limbaugh did not appear credible at all, so I checked it out on The authors fail to mention that the only possible documentation of this incident, that reportedly happened over 30 years ago when Limbaugh was hosting a Top 40 music show, is from an October 8, 1990 Newsday article which claims that Limbaugh admitted feeling guilty about making this comment. states that as far as they know, Limbaugh hasn't denied the Newsday article report.
Let's see, Limbaugh has been on the radio for over 30 years and speaks for hours at a time. He allegedly makes a stupid, off-the-cuff comment over 30 years ago that he feels guilty about...and the authors feel compelled to treat it as fact and like an everyday occurrence?
The authors continue, "Limbaugh's stock-in-trade pre-persuasion tactic is rumor and innuendo-a distortion, half-truth, outright falsity, or unsupported claim presented as the truth". The authors continue their personal tirade against Limbaugh until half way through page 60.
To their credit, the authors do touch on some of the propaganda regarding what our nation now terms "The Civil War". However, there is so much propaganda surrounding this specific war that it could fill volumes. Anyone who has studied the subject and read the words of Lincoln knows that this war was not fought over slavery (which has been an abhorrent evil in many nations around the world, but especially so in this nation predicated on individual liberty), but over preventing states from ever allowing their citizens the freedom to choose to leave the union they had voluntarily joined. Consider the analogy of a marriage and a subsequent divorce to what happened in this war to "preserve the union". Or consider if Puerto Rico had voluntarily chosen to join the USA, but its citizens changed their minds and later voted to leave the union. Would it be acceptable for the remaining states in our union to wage war against the citizens of Puerto Rico, kill anyone who opposed our will to force them back into the union against their expressed will, and then celebrate that we had preserved our nation? If Puerto Rico voted to leave the union, shouldn't the USA military forces leave peacefully? If they refused, which was the case with Fort Sumter, shouldn't Puerto Rico have the right to finally force an unwanted foreign power from their country?
I finally just threw this book away and started reading a much more intelligently written book on propaganda entitled, "Propaganda, The Formation of Men's Attitudes" by Jacques Ellul.
Buy it here now!
Posted by Alfred at 6:40 PM 0 comments